Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Healthfair 2010- Colorectal Cancer

^^^ Above is a clip made by Deandra Cormier and I. Its a clip for colorectal cancer awareness; a portion of the healthfair conducted by the students on March 23-2010 (yesterday). I hate the part where I put Deandra on the spot. Gowd! lol

^^^ Here is the 2nd part to our presentation. Thanks to Vaidehi for taping.

"Although colorectal cancer takes 10-15 years to develop to a terminal stage, and it is treatable 90% of the time, it still remains the 2nd leading cancer-related cause of death."

That was our message at the healthfair we presented on Colorectal cancer awareness on March 23, 2010.

In our booth, you can see we have three packs of cereal that we'd found to have high fiber cotnents (24-40% of recoomended daily intake). This is significant for our topic because having sufficient dietary fiber intake is one way to help prevent against colorectal cancer. In addition, we had preventative measures, signs and symptoms, screening methods, facts, risk factors and such informations on our board. Also included on the board were pictures of a normal colon, and several polyps (hyperplastic, adenomatous, flat etc) and one of rectal cancer. Lastly, we had a picture of the anatomy of the colon and rectum as well as a picture of an X-RAY showing a colon blockage (probably due to colon cancer) in its ascending colon. On the other side of the table (closer to where Deandra was standing), we had a TV showing clips that we had compiled from youtube. Clips included several colonoscopies (one was so ghastly, it was sad. The colon was full of cancer) including a funny one of Homer Simpson getting his colonoscopy, and one that showed the resection of some polyps. We also had a clip of the BIG COLON show; another colorectal awareness program that showcases a huge gigiantic colon (big enough to walk through it). Of course, it is synthetic, but its fun to watch ;)

Lastly, we had pamphlets that we had received from the government of Ontario's colorectal awareness program (Cancer Check), and CCAC (Colorectal Cancer Advocacy Program?). We also had pictures of bottoms (yeah, buttoms as in buttocks) that were posted on the drapes of our tables (you can see them in between where Deandra and I were standing). The butts were copied from a site by the CCAC called . Also, all around the school were posters that we had posted prior to the healthfair. These posters were received from the CCAC, and were on neon papers; they said "Get your butt over here" with arrows leading to our booth. Lastly, we had blue ribbons made, These blue ribbons were given to whoever wanted them as blue is the coloor of colorectal cancer awareness and March, is the month of colorectal cancer awareness. Hey! We even had a sign there that said "March is colorectal cancer awareness month; Are you ready for your booty call?"! LOL

So needless to say, people are likely to remember our booth and they are highly likely, to be more aware of the importance of preventing and getting screened for colorectal cancer.

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