Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just when...

... you think you've seen it all. It'll all be over the moment you get a chance to. When you get up out your seat, it'll be you; Big SuperYou with your cape and mighty powers; to the rescue. You are that one devine intervention that will rise to conquer evil, restore morality, and save Nigeria.

Then you see this:

... and hear the story of how that bus was ambushed on Lagos (Nigeria) expressway, how armed robbers, robbed and raped the passengers and instructed the driver to run the passenger over at gunpoint...

...and then you realize... you'd waited a day too long to stand up.

Picture retrieved from:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Courage to hide. Courage to stand.

It takes courage to hide. Courage, to accept that though you're much more, you'll have to shed that pride and pretend that they're right; that you really, are nothing.
Courage! To accept the things you have been deluded into believing that you cannot change. It takes sheer courage, to stand on weak knees. Courage, to stand.

To the many men and women turned slavery to the crimes of inhumanity. In memory of the many children who died not ever knowing their worth and not ever recognizing their rights to question things and... to the many black men and women who did stand, and the white men and women who had enough integrity and wisdom to know that love is too pure to be contained and hate too harsh to be spread, thank you all.

You risked your lives to fight for equality, at a time when your life was worth very little. Many decades later, some would still say that we are still fighting. Yes, maybe. But thank you, for leading us well on the road. May your plights never be forgotten.

Happy black history month.

Did the show ever get written for this tune?