Friday, April 29, 2011

You believe it too

I shut off my TV, logged off those pages, crabbed a bowl, and got some milk in my cereal.
Determined to take no part in the delusion that you are what I should aspire to be as, I shut you off.
You do not have my consent to make me feel like I am a follower of yours.
I simply refuse.
This is no sheep and herder sort of relationship that we keep long distance-ly in our ever-so-one-way lop-sidedly contrived love.

It isnt.

You are no ALLAH, not my Ghandi, you ArE not Jesu Kristi or that six-limbed God the hindus serve. You do not make water, you breathe air but cannot manufacture it. You cannot fly un-aided, you are NO diety.

Yet, people, watch, listen, gaze, and breathe you in. In awe. Starry-aspiration-eyed as if to say that without you, they cannot dream.
You believe it too.
You are wrong.

I packed up my slippers and wont look back as I stomp out the yard. You will not make me feel less than I was when chance, linked us.

I am humbled by the experiences... watching you live so loud. Laughing out loud, and though its aloud, I must say your cry for recognition is sad.

Humility never was your greatest attribute.

Yet, people, watch, listen, and gaze at you. In awe. Starry-aspiration-eyed as if to say that without you, I cannot have joy.
You believe it too.
You are wrong.

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